
How to edit the apps file

One thing to know is: if you run fluxbox 0.9.13 or lower, when you edit the apps file while running fluxbox, on a restart or a reload of the config all changes will be reset to the previous. For higher versions of fluxbox there is no problem.

A workaround for this problem (when you use on old version of fluxbox):

In order to obtain a skeleton configuration with the right atoms (name, class, role) for the application, pick up a random entry from the Remember submenu in the windowmenu, then edit the ~/.fluxbox/apps as you need.

You can also find atoms by executing

  $ xprop WM_CLASS | xmessage -file - -center

and clicking onto the desired window:

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "xterm", "XTerm"

The first field is the name, the second one the class, so in this case "xterm" is the name and "XTerm" the class.

Apps file entries

The format for the apps file is:

  [app] (app-name) {count - optional}
          [Property1]  {value1}
          [Property2]  {value2}

Each app-name can be a string or a regular expression. By default the name is matched against a windows WM_CLASS property (the first string in it, called the "instance"). You can match against the title, instance name (default), class name, or role (the WM_WINDOW_ROLE property) by explicitly specifying it. You can also specify multiple matches, which must ALL match for the properties to be applied. If a count is supplied in curly brackets at the end of the app line, then the entry will only match at most count at any time (default is to match all matching windows).

Some examples of the several others are:

  [app] (xterm)
      ... Properties ...

  [app] (myshell)
      ... Properties ...

  [app] (class=Firefox-bin) {1}
      ... Properties ...

  [app] (role=buddy_list)
      ... Properties ...

  [app] (title=rdesktop - hostname.*)
      ... Properties ...

  [transient] (name=firefox-bin) (class=Firefox-bin)
      [IconHidden]  {yes}

A transient window is a window dialog like 'Save as..' or 'Print', we can apply any kind of rule to them, here's another example:

  [transient] (name=firefox-bin) (class=Firefox-bin) (title=Print)
      [Maximized]  {yes}

For the complete list of the properties that can be defined in each [app] entry see the SETTINGS section in the fluxbox-apps manpage.

Each name must be enclosed in square brackets, and the value is generally in curly brackets.

The apps file also allows you to specify applications that should be started. Could be used to specify the screen, not the workspace, on which the application should be started. Startup is not yet setable by menu.

Finally, you can set windows to group together by using the `apps' file. This is achieved with either regular expressions using:

  [app] (property=expr) ... {number}

Property can be one of the following tags:

If no `property' is specified, the name property is assumed. You can find out the value for these fields for a particular window by running [http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man1/xprop.1x.php xprop(1)].

Here an example of how an apps file can look like:

 [startup] {xterm}

  1. match anything ending with term, up to 2 instances

 [app] (.*[tT]erm) {2}

  1. match anything with `gaim' in the title

 [app] (title=.*gaim.*)
 [app] (kate)
         [Dimensions]  (WINCENTER) {1022 747}
         [Position]    {0 0}
         [Close]       {yes}
 [app] (konqueror)
         [Workspace]   {1}
         [Dimensions]  {1006 749}
         [Position]    {16 0}
         [Jump]        {yes}

  1. hide the label in the toolbar for the window dialog (like 'open file', 'save as, etc.)

 [transient] (name=firefox-bin) (class=Firefox-bin)
         [IconHidden]  {yes}
 [app] (name=mirage) (class=Mirage)
         [Dimensions]  {1015 730}
         [Position]    (UPPERLEFT)     {87 0}

  1. start all aterms without decorations

 [app] (aterm)
         [Deco]        {NONE}

  1. start the urxvt called 'screen' without decorations
  2. the command needed to run an unique instance of urxvt is urxvt -name screen

 [app] (name=screen) (class=URxvt)
         [Deco]        {NONE}

Grouping apps via the apps file

To automatically tab together new windows, place a [group] tag around several [app] tags, with an [end] tag to indicate the end of the group. You should not use an [end] tag for individual apps in a group. You can specify dimensions, position, etc. for the group as for normal app entries.

Fluxbox also can group programs using the file ~/.fluxbox/groups.

the groups file is deprecated since version 0.9.1 in favor of grouping using the apps file, since it is much more powerful. The groups file only groups windows on the same workspace, whereas the apps file searches all workspaces by default.

To replicate the groups file's behavior with the apps file, use `[group] (workspace)', which was introduced in version 1.0rc3.

Here is a short example of an apps file:

  1. a group with all windows called "special-term",
  2. appears on layer 4 (bottom)

     [app] (special-term)
         [Layer] {4}

  1. a group that only looks for windows on the current workspace

 [group] (workspace=[current])
     [app] (firefox-bin) (title=.*Mozilla Firefox.*)
     [app] (opera)
         [Dimensions]    {800 600}
         [Position]      (UPPERRIGHT)      {0 0}
 [group]  (workspace=[current])
     [app] (name=xterm) (class=XTerm)

Note that when you are testing your [group] settings, they will only be applied to newly created windows, NOT windows already opened. Existing windows will not appear to be in the group until restarted, you'll need to start two new windows to see the grouping work.

Category:English howtos